

  • Bank deposit (*). Deposit money in a bank by paying ¼ of the deposited sum. You can withdraw deposited money for free, even from other banks.

  • Item storage (*). Safely store items by paying ¼ of their value. You can take them back for free.

  • Loan (*). Borrow a sum of money, but you must pay back twice as much. Debts left behind by dead Player characters are transferred onto the other Player characters. If debts aren’t repaid in a timely fashion, new loans might be refused and the character might be harassed by debt collectors.


  • Healing (16ʂ). Recover health equal to half STR.

  • Lodging, day rest (4ʂ). Provides a place to sleep, food, and water during a day rest.

  • Lodging, full rest (64ʂ). Provides a place to sleep, food, and water during a full rest.

  • Repair (*). Repair a damaged item by paying ¼ of its value. Items with the durability keyword recover 2 health per watch.

Other services

  • Courier (*). Delivers a message to a recipient. The cost is 1ʂ plus 1ʂ per region of distance. The cost might be higher through dangerous areas.

  • Funeral (512ʂ). A funeral for a dead Player character. Costs half if the body was recovered.

  • Transportation (*). Transportation via stagecoach, boat, or ship a specific destination for a person. It costs 4ʂ plus 4ʂ per region of distance. The cost might be higher through dangerous areas.