


You earned your fare performing spectacular and dangerous acrobatic feats.

  • Skills: acrobatics, contortionist.

  • Assets: clothes (comfortable and colourful leotard), rope (made of silk), wooden pole (bulk 2).


You know how to incite the people with fervent speeches. You were partly responsible for the bloody riots of 1461: you swear you did it for your ideals, not money.

  • Skills: charm, quick draw.

  • Assets: clothes (working class attire), alchemist’s fire (bulk ½; consumable, d6 damage, range 2, blast, fire damage), scroll (bulk ½; pamphlet denouncing the Emperor, or at least they told you so: you can’t read after all).


You know how to keep equipment in good order: nothing is more dangerous than a blunt sword or a cracked shield.

  • Skills: craft, piercing strike.

  • Assets: clothes (thick leather apron), toolbox (bulk 2).


For the right amount of coins, everyone can be taken care of.

  • Skills: sneak attack, stealth.

  • Assets: clothes (dark cloak), hand crossbow (d4 damage, range 8), black adder venom (bulk ½; consumable).


A sharp razor and a steady hand are required for both a clean shave and delicate surgeries.

  • Skills: heal, strike to injure.

  • Assets: clothes (bloodstained apron), surgery tools (bulk 2).


You spent your days sitting in the corner of busy roads, hoping for a few shillings from generous passers-by.

  • Skills: disease resistance, frugal.

  • Assets: clothes (dirty, stinky rags), alcoholic drink (bulk ½; consumable), crutch.


You have ferried passengers and smuggled goods along the many rivers flowing across the Kingdom.

  • Skills: boatmanship, swim.

  • Assets: clothes (wet and mouldy), fishing tools (bulk 2).


You worked for the rich and powerful, protecting them from robbers and other scum.

  • Skills: protect, shield mastery.

  • Assets: clothes (enhancing your muscles), shield (bulk 2; shield, d4 damage), medicine box (consumable).

Bone picker

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure: you scour the roads, graves, and gutters looking for something valuable to sell for a few pennies.

  • Skills: frugal, quick draw.

  • Assets: clothes (mismatched clothes scavenged from the road), femur (d4 damage; fragile), bag of dung, crutch.

Bounty hunter

You used to roam the cities and the countryside, capturing wanted criminals to collect the bounties on their head.

  • Skills: disarm, strike to stun.

  • Assets: clothes (large coat and wide-brimmed hat), manacles & key, net.


Your fists are your weapon and your arms can bend iron: nobody is stronger than you!

  • Skills: brawling, wrestling.

  • Assets: clothes (hand wraps to protect your knuckles), alcoholic drink (bulk ½; consumable), chain.


Those snotty nobs don’t need all that coin, it would be much more useful in your pockets!

  • Skills: burglary, fleet footed.

  • Assets: clothes (comfortable and with generous pockets), lock picks, metal file.

Coach driver

You worked for a coaching company, driving staging coaches through the dangerous roads of the Kingdom and protecting them with your trusty blunderbuss.

  • Skills: drive carts, ride.

  • Assets: clothes (coat and wide brimmed hat, for the rain), blunderbuss (bulk 2; d8 damage, range 8, reload).


Some are born with too much: those wealthy nobs aren’t going to notice if they are a few shillings short.

  • Skills: steal, stealth.

  • Assets: clothes (hood covering your face), gold jewel (bulk ½; gold necklace with a noble family emblem, stolen).


You are a skilled duellist, constantly looking for a worthy opponent to hone your skills.

  • Skills: ambidextrous, fast strike.

  • Assets: clothes (a few stitched up cuts), parrying dagger (d4 damage), thrusting sword (d6 damage).

Fire eater

You were a performer at a travelling carnival, executing a vast array of exciting tricks.

  • Skills: contortionist, fire eating.

  • Assets: clothes (bare chested, lest your shirt catches fire), throwing knives (d4 damage, range 8; you like to juggle with them), alcoholic drink (bulk ½; consumable), torch (consumable).


You have spent years mugging unaware victims in shady alleys and dark forest roads, occasionally killing for money.

  • Skills: sneak attack, strike to stun.

  • Assets: clothes (scarf to cover your face), cudgel (d4 damage; ideal to knock people out), garrotte (d8 damage, direct damage).


Luck come and goes at the gaming table but it has never abandoned you, not with the help of a few clever tricks.

  • Skills: luck, play games.

  • Assets: clothes (large pockets), cards (bulk ½; marked), dice (bulk ½; loaded).

Hedge wizard

You were blessed with great power, but never received the education necessary to fully control it.

  • Skills: augury, sorcery.

  • Assets: clothes (covered in bones, charms, and trinkets), lucky charm (bulk ½; rabbit foot), profane power scroll (bulk ½).


You were a village healer, curing ailments with plants and natural remedies.

  • Skills: apothecary, heal.

  • Assets: clothes (many bags to carry herbs), apothecary tools (bulk 2), medicine box (consumable).


When you hunt in the dark forests of the Kingdom, you sometimes wonder if you really are the hunter or rather the prey.

  • Skills: bushcraft, hunt.

  • Assets: clothes (decorated with trophies from your preys), crossbow (bulk 2; d6 damage, range 8).


You have spent your life making a fool of yourself to entertain the nobles, but you will have the last laugh!

  • Skills: acrobatics, blather.

  • Assets: clothes (colourful, with a bell hat), stick with bells (d4 damage; jingles cheerfully when it hits someone), smoke bomb (bulk ½; consumable).


With your honour lost and no coin left to your name, you wander on your steed selling your sword for money.

  • Skills: ride, skilled blow.

  • Assets: clothes (colourful livery), light horse (Bartadan, STR 12, AGI 4, WIT 8, sturdy, trained for combat, d6 damage. Old and lame: lost the fast trait).


Your bones and muscles have been hardened by years of toiling under sun and rain.

  • Skills: pack rat, tough.

  • Assets: clothes (drenched in sweat), shovel (bulk 2; d6 damage), ration (bulk ½; consumable; packed lunch).


Laws hold the Kingdom together, loopholes keep your purse full.

  • Skills: charm, erudition.

  • Assets: clothes (courtroom attire), book (code of laws), quill & ink (bulk ½; consumable).


There is no shortage of war, and no lack of opportunities for a sell-sword such as yourself.

  • Skills: bargain, dodge blows.

  • Assets: clothes (sturdy boots), helmet, spear (d6 damage).


Time is of the essence when carrying messages across the Kingdom, and you sure are a fast runner.

  • Skills: languages, fleet footed.

  • Assets: clothes (dusty and sweaty), scroll (bulk ½; sealed letter, no addressee), scroll case.


Crawling through dark, cramped tunnels breathing dust was not the life you deserve.

  • Skills: climb, piercing strike.

  • Assets: clothes (sweaty and dusty), pickaxe (bulk 2; d6 damage), cage (bulk 2; containing a canary).


Your house has fallen and you must now mingle with the lowly scum, but the day will come when you can reclaim what’s yours by birthright!

  • Skills: leadership, poison resistance.

  • Assets: clothes (ostentatious fripperies, old and full of holes), mirror, signet ring (bulk ½; proof of your identity).


The hills and woods are teeming with people escaping the law such as yourself.

  • Skills: bushcraft, skilled shot.

  • Assets: clothes (greenish cloak), bow (bulk 2; d6 damage, range 8).


Your life was simple: growing crops and tending to livestock, trying to put enough food on the table to survive another winter.

  • Skills: animal handling, tough.

  • Assets: clothes (stinking of manure), chicken (Bertha, STR 4, AGI 8, WIT 8, fast, small size, d4 damage. Dumb and brave), pig (Hans, STR 4, AGI 4, WIT 8, d4 damage. Picky about food).


You made a small fortune transporting and trading exotic goods, but you lost everything because of a bad business decision.

  • Skills: bargain, gossip.

  • Assets: clothes (excessive amounts of cheap fake jewellery), clothes (expensive, made of silk), darkroot (bulk ½; consumable), perfume (bulk ½; consumable).


You are an erudite doctor and a herbalist, knowledgeable about poison, disease, antidotes, and cures.

  • Skills: apothecary, medicine.

  • Assets: clothes (spotless black coat), antidote (bulk ½; consumable), cure-all (bulk ½; consumable), dream sand (bulk ½; consumable).

Pit fighter

You have fought for money in illegal arenas and as a judicial champion for hire.

  • Skills: fast strike, shield mastery.

  • Assets: clothes (torn, dusty, and covered in old blood), shield (bulk 2; shield, d4 damage).


Yours is the burden to teach and guide people so that they don’t succumb to the lure of darkness.

  • Skills: incorruptible, faith.

  • Assets: clothes (priestly robes and religious paraphernalia), book (Holy Scriptures), sacred power scroll (bulk ½).


You have travelled far and wide across the kingdom, singing songs and act out enthralling stories.

  • Skills: act, music.

  • Assets: clothes (flamboyant and fashionable), music instrument (fiddle).

Rat catcher

Rats are everywhere and nobody likes them. You offer your services to get rid of them, but you swear they are getting bigger and nastier by the day…​

  • Skills: disease resistance, poison resistance.

  • Assets: clothes (partly made of rat fur), trapping tools (bulk 2), small dog (Brutus, trained to hunt rats, small but vicious).


Hunched over dusty ancient tomes, you have accumulated vast amounts of knowledge: time to put it into practice!

  • Skills: alchemy, erudition.

  • Assets: clothes (night gown and comfortable shoes), book (blank, you can’t wait to fill it with your learnings), looking glass, quill & ink (bulk ½; consumable).


Your skill with a bow or a gun has no equals: you can shoot a moving squirrel from half a mile away.

  • Skills: steady aim, skilled shot.

  • Assets: clothes (wide brimmed hat to shade your eyes), arquebus (bulk 2; d8 damage, range 8, reload).


There is good pay for slaying giant monsters: it’s a dangerous job, but you are brave and foolish enough to do it.

  • Skills: dodge blows, monster slaying.

  • Assets: clothes (thick hardened leather, cut, burnet, scratched, and torn), huge battle axe (bulk 2; d8 damage).


You have fought for the Kingdom and seen the horrors of war, the nightmares will never stop.

  • Skills: cleave, skilled blow.

  • Assets: clothes (uniform from your regiment, has seen better days), halberd (bulk 2; d8 damage).


You are cursed with the ability to see what others can’t, and have witnessed the end of the world.

  • Skills: augury, divination.

  • Assets: clothes (hooded robes), divination tools (bulk 2).


A couple of blows with a heavy club are the quickest way to send the right message.

  • Skills: brawling, intimidate.

  • Assets: clothes (covering your face), alcoholic drink (bulk ½; consumable), crimson weed (bulk ½; consumable).

Tomb robber

Precious treasures are buried in ancient crypts and old tombs: their previous owners aren’t going to miss them.

  • Skills: burglary, climb.

  • Assets: clothes (capacious knapsack to store the loot), crowbar, rope.


Townsfolk such as yourself are the backbone of the Kingdom: shop owners, traders, local officials…​

  • Skills: gossip, luck.

  • Assets: clothes (fashionable but practical), cards (bulk ½), pipe & tobacco (bulk ½; consumable).

Witch hunter

Warlocks, witches, and sorcerers are a threat to mankind: they are destined to meet their end in the flames of a pyre.

  • Skills: magic sense, magic shield.

  • Assets: clothes (wide brimmed hat, pitch black clothes), alchemist’s fire (bulk ½; consumable, d6 damage, range 2, blast, fire damage), 2× blessed water (bulk ½; consumable, d10 damage, range 2, holy damage).


You are a secretive scholar of the esoteric arts: many fear you, and with good reason.

  • Skills: sorcery.

  • Advancements: mana+1.

  • Assets: clothes (comfortable robes), scroll of eldritch blast (bulk ½), profane power scroll (bulk ½).


You have a dark past and many sins to atone for: you are going to save your soul by purging the heretic!

  • Skills: battle frenzy, bravery.

  • Assets: clothes (bloodstained monastic habit), book (Holy Scriptures), crimson weed (bulk ½; consumable).