
Invoking powers

The religion and sorcery skills grant the ability to invoke sacred and sorcerous powers, respectively. The invoker must hold a power scroll recording the power in hand and read it out loud.

Invoking a sacred power takes a full stretch, after which the invoker rolls a d12: the power works if the result exceeds their current corruption, otherwise nothing happens. Characters can only make a single attempt at invoking sacred powers per watch.

Invoking a sorcerous power only takes 1 action, and the invoker must either spend 1 mana or suffer 2 corruption. Sorcerers can increase their mana when they advance, at most up to 6, instead of taking a normal advancement. Mana is recovered to the maximum on day rests and full rests.

Power scrolls are more than mundane pieces of parchment recording incantations: they are artifacts holding ancient and powerful magic. For this reason, powers must always be read from a scroll to be effective, memorising the incantations isn’t enough. Likewise, simply writing the incantations on parchment doesn’t create a power scroll, and the knowledge on how to craft them has been forgotten.

Power range

  • Personal. The power exclusively affects the invoker.

  • Near. Targets must be nearby the invoker.

  • Sight. Targets must be visible and within range 8 of the invoker.

  • Connection. Targets can be anywhere as long as the invoker has an arcane connection to them. An arcane connection is formed through an object which is closely related to the target (a lock of hair, a personal possession, etc), which is destroyed after invoking the power.

Powers can always be cast at a worse range: for example, a power with connection range can be cast with sight range, and all powers can be cast with personal range.

Power duration

  • Stretch. The power lasts until the end of the stretch.

  • Watch. The power lasts until the end of the watch.

  • Lingering. The power lasts indefinitely.

The invoker may choose a trigger which can end the power prematurely upon casting it (a word, a gesture, etc.). Some powers might also end prematurely based on particular conditions.

Reacting to powers

A target of an sorcerous power can react by countering the invoker as if it were an attack. If the power doesn’t inflict damage, it is handled as a non-lethal attack, otherwise it is handled as a normal attack. It isn’t possible to dodge a power unless otherwise specified.

Sorcerous powers can also be invoked as a counter to an attack if they can target the attacker.

Sacred powers take a full stretch to invoke, so they can’t be used to react or reacted to.

Sorcerous power level

Sorcerous powers are invoked at a certain level, at most equal to the invoker’s current mana (before spending it to invoke the power). Invokers can increase the maximum level by 1 either by suffering 2 corruption or by spending a whole stretch to invoke the power.

Powers invoked as described by the rules have level 0. All powers can be enhanced as listed below, when it makes sense, by increasing their level. Many powers can be enhanced in other specific ways, as detailed in their description. The same enhancement can be applied multiple times.

  • Level+1 — Target a small zone, affecting all valid targets within it or on its borders.

  • Level+1 — Double the number of targets or targeted zones.

  • Level+1 — Improve range by one category.

  • Level+2 — Improve duration by one category.

  • Level+1 — Invoke the power silently, without pronouncing incantations.

Sacred powers don’t have a level and can’t be enhanced: they always work the same way.


Ongoing sorcerous powers can be dispelled by casting the exact same power on the same target. The base level of a power invoked to dispel another power depends on the duration of the dispelled power: 0 if stretch, 2 if watch, 4 if lingering.

Magic corruption and miscasts

It is possible to invoke a sorcerous power without spending mana or at 1 level higher than allowed by suffering 2 corruption. If both conditions hold true, you suffer 4 corruption and only check for soulblight once.

Corruption is inflicted before the power takes effect and before targets declare if they react. Characters who suffer soulblight apply the normal effects. If they are killed or incapacitated the power has no effect, otherwise the power works but they must roll on the Miscast table.

Table 1. Miscast


The power doesn’t work.


A minor eldritch event happens around the invoker: plants wither, blood rains from the sky, the air becomes unnaturally cold, etc. This might spook other people but otherwise has no significant consequences.


Thick magical darkness shrouds all zones within range 1 of the invoker until the end of the watch. It’s impossible to see through it and light cannot penetrate it in any way.


The power scroll you have used crumbles to dust.


The floor, walls, and air around the invoker twirl and change in chaotic patterns. All other characters within range 1 of the invoker suffer 2 corruption.


Black flames burst from the invoker. All other characters within range 1 of the invoker suffer d6 fire damage. They can attempt to dodge.


The power hits the wrong targets, in a way which is disadvantageous for the invoker. Reroll if this doesn’t make sense.


The power has an alternative effect which is disadvantageous for the invoker, typically the exact opposite of what it was intended to do. Reroll if this doesn’t make sense.


The invoker and all creatures within range 1 are exposed to the ‘demon pox’ disease.


The invoker suffers a random mutation (roll on the Mutations table).


A demon enters the world nearby the invoker. The demon isn’t necessarily hostile to the invoker but its presence is for sure bad news, now or later.


The invoker is possessed by a demonic entity. The GM makes a secret d12 roll for them at the start of each day. If they roll equal or lower than their corruption, the GM can take control of the character for a whole stretch during the day, making them do the demon’s bidding. Characters who are possessed a second time succumb to the power of the demon, who takes full control of their body.

Sacred powers

  • Rite of bane. Near, watch. Target an item. It burns demons and undead touching it. If it’s a weapon or a shield, it inflicts enhanced damage against them. If it’s armour or a shield, demons and undead attacking the wearer and not overcoming their armour value suffer direct damage equal to what they rolled.

  • Rite of blessing. Near, lingering. Target 2 bottles filled with clean, pure water. They are turned into blessed water.

  • Rite of courage. Near, watch. Target a character with human intelligence. The target emanates an aura which fills their allies with confidence and calm. The target and all nearby allies are immune to fear and treat terror as fear.

  • Rite of healing. Near. Target a creature. The target heals damage equal to half their STR.

  • Rite of judgement. Sight. Target a creature with human intelligence and accuse them of a grave injustice. The target is engulfed by flames: they are reduced to ashes if guilty, but left unharmed if innocent. This power doesn’t work with minor accusations of little significance.

  • Rite of martyrdom. Near, watch. Target two creatures. When one of the two targets suffer damage, half of it is suffered by the other target instead.

  • Rite of preservation. Near, lingering. Target a corpse. It can’t be affected by sorcerous powers and it decays about 1,000 times more slowly than normal.

  • Rite of protection. Near, watch. Target a character. The target’s armour value increases by 1, but only if they don’t wear armour. They must show their faith in divine protection! Shields are allowed.

  • Rite of purging. Near. Target an item which has been tampered with sorcerous magic, a demon, an undead, or a character who has suffered mutations. The target must remain within range for the whole time required to invoke the power. If successful, the target is banished, destroyed, or killed.

  • Rite of purification. Near. Target a creature. The target heals 1 corruption.

  • Rite of restoration. Near. Target a creature who is sick or affected by poison. Poison is neutralised, and sick targets gain a success towards recovering.

  • Rite of warding. Near, watch. You erect an anti-magic field covering all zones within range 1 of your current position. Within the area, sorcerous powers have no effect and demons and undead suffer d4 direct damage per round. The field is fixed and doesn’t move with you.

Sorcerous powers

  • Arcane lock. Near, stretch. Target an item which can be opened and closed, such as a door, a box, or a bottle. The target can only be opened by a trigger of your choice (a password, a gesture, contact with a specific item, etc.

    • Level+1 — The target emits a loud sound if someone attempts to open it without using the proper method.

  • Bewitch. Near, stretch. Target a creature. The target attitude towards you improves by a step.

    • Level+1 — Improve the attitude by an additional step

    • Level+1 — Target another creature, who replaces you as the one towards whom attitude is improved.

  • Burning vengeance. Near, stretch. Target a creature with human intelligence. Name a person they know and remind how they have been wronged by them, no matter if by a small or a big matter. The target becomes obsessed with an irrational desire to take revenge by killing the named person and they will fully devote themselves to this end.

  • Eldritch blast. Near. Target a character or an item. The target is hit by a force blast, which works as a melee attack inflicting d10 damage (impaired against items). If you enhance the power to sight range, it works as a ranged attack instead. All skills and rules concerning attacks apply, and the attack can be dodged or countered as usual. If you enhance the power to connection range, the blast is conjured on top of the target and your skills don’t apply any longer, but the target can still dodge.

    • Level+1 — The power inflicts fire, lightning, cold, or heat damage.

  • Gift of speech. Near, stretch. Target a creature with animal intelligence or human intelligence. The target gains the ability to speak your language.

  • Illusion. Near, stretch. Target a small zone. You can create an illusion within its boundaries. The illusion can affect sight, hearing, and smell, but not touch. While you are within range, you can concentrate on the illusion to change it or animate it. While you aren’t concentrating the illusion remains frozen in the state you left it, and only disappears when the power ends.

  • Levitation. Near, stretch. Target a creature. The target temporarily gains the landing flyer trait.

    • Level+1 — Improve flying by a category: landing flyer to swooping flyer, swooping flyer to hovering flyer.

  • Miasma of chaos. Near, stretch. Target a small zone. The area is filled with red mist flowing from the ground. Characters entering or starting their turn in the affected area suffer 1 corruption. The mist blocks visibility through it, but it still possible to see nearby characters within it.

    • Level+1 — Double the amount of corruption.

    • Level+1 — The mist covers all zones within range 1 of the targeted one. Enhance again to double the range.

  • Occult consultation. Near, stretch. Target the corpse of a creature who has died no longer than a stretch ago and whose spirit is still lingering in the area. You may ask their spirit one question, but they aren’t forced to answer or tell the truth. If you enhance the power range to connection, you may query the spirit of a long dead person who is already in the realm of the dead, but in they can only answer by knocking on its entrance. This means they can only answer with a number or a yes-or-no question.

  • Plague vessel. Near, stretch. Target a sick creature. You absorb the disease from the target, who is instantly healed. You carry the disease in your body without suffering its effect. You can attempt to discharge it by touching another creature before the power ends. The target can resist the infection with a STR save, if normally possible. If they resist, the disease stays in your body, and you can attempt to discharge it again later. If the power ends before you discharge the disease, you are infected by it yourself, without chance of a save.

    • Level+1 — Target another creature, who replaces you as the carrier of the disease.

  • Purifying flame. Near, stretch. Target an unlit light source, such as a candle, an oil lamp, a torch, or a bonfire. It is instantly lit with a bright white flame. All creatures illuminated by it are immune to poison and disease. If they are already poisoned, the poison isn’t neutralised but its effect is suspended while under the light. If they are already sick, they aren’t healed but don’t suffer negative effects if they fail a recovery roll while under the light.

  • Reanimate corpse. Near, stretch. Target the corpse of a medium-sized (or smaller) creature. It is raised as a reanimated corpse under your control.

    • Level+2 — Increase the maximum size category of the targeted corpse by one step.

  • Water breathing. Near, stretch. Target a creature. Gills and fins appear on the target’s body and their hands, feet, or paws become palmate. The target can breathe under water and can swim at full speed.