

Characters who fall by 2 metres or more suffer d4 direct damage for each full 2 metres they have traversed. They can attempt to cushion the fall by passing an AGI save, in which case the effective falling distance is reduced by 2 metres.


Characters can hold their breath for 8 rounds. After this period they must pass a STR save at the end of each round or pass out, becoming incapacitated until the end of the stretch. They die if they fail another save to resist suffocation while incapacitated.

Elemental damage

Cold and heat inflicts direct damage. Characters in an extremely cold or scorching hot environment suffer d4 impaired cold or heat damage at the end of each stretch.

Fire inflicts direct damage, enhanced against targets made of or covered in flammable substances. Characters who enter or start their round in a zone which is currently on fire suffer d6 fire damage.

Lightning inflicts direct damage, enhanced against targets carrying significant amounts of metal. Lightning attacks directed at wet zones behave as blast attacks.

Fear & terror

Characters exposed to frightening or terrifying creatures and events must pass a WIT save or become frightened or terrified respectively until the end of the stretch. If they pass they are immune to the same source of fear of terror until the end of the stretch. Repeat the WIT save at the start of each stretch, as long as the source of fear persists. When multiple characters are affected at once, make a group save.

Some effects let characters ignore fear and treat terror as fear. Two such effects can stack together to let characters completely ignore terror as well.


Traps are concealed elements and thus can be detected by a careful search or, if they aren’t well hidden, passively by passing a WIT check when nearby.

Characters who notice a trap can stop in time before triggering it. Characters who voluntarily trigger a detected trap can react to it when it makes sense, typically attempting an AGI save to dodge it, but characters who trigger an undetected trap are automatically hit.


Characters exposed to poison must pass a STR save or suffer its effect. If exposed to the same poison a second time during the same stretch, the effect is automatic.

Poison delivery methods:

  • Bloodstream. The poison must enter the victim’s blood. Weapons and sharp objects can be coated with a dose of the poison, which is delivered on the first attack inflicting at least 1 damage.

  • Ingestion. The poison must be ingested. If mixed with food or drinks, characters can passively detect that something is wrong by passing a WIT save unless the food or drink have very strong taste and smell.

Poison effects:

  • Damaging. Victims must take an antidote by the end of the stretch or suffer d12 direct damage.

  • Corrupting. Victims must take an antidote by the end of the stretch or suffer 4 corruption.

  • Lethal. Victims must take an antidote by the end of the stretch or die.

  • Paralysing. Victims are incapacitated until the end of the stretch. The effect ends earlier if they take an antidote.

  • Soporific. Victims are incapacitated until the end of the watch. The effect ends earlier if they suffer damage or take an antidote.


Characters exposed to a disease, including spending time close to someone who is already infected, must pass a STR save or become sick.

Sick characters must make a recovery save based on STR at the end of each day. They recover after accumulating 3 successes in total, but they temporarily reduce STR, AGI, and WIT by d4 each time they fail as the symptoms of the disease worsen. Specific diseases might bring additional negative effects.

  • Influence. A bad flu, which follows no special rules. Symptoms include fever, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and digestive issues.

  • Black gangrene. Symptoms include high fever and blackening of the feet. If a victim fails a recovery roll for the second time, their feet start decomposing. They must surgically amputated within a day or the victim dies.

  • Bloodburn. Symptoms include strong headache, blurry visions, and the insatiable need to spill blood. After failing a recovery save, victims are frenzied for the whole duration of the next day, and will attack anybody indiscriminately.

  • Bloody flux. Actually very similar to a normal influence and follows no special rules, but people are irrationally terrified by it and will avoid those infected like the plague.

  • Demon pox. Symptoms include hallucinations and weird buboes, constantly changing shape, colour and position. Victims who fail a recovery roll additionally suffer 2 corruption.

  • Digworm. A parasite digging into the victim’s skin and sucking their blood. Symptoms include fever, weakness, and constant hunger. Healing naturally via recovery saves isn’t possible, but the parasite can be surgically removed. Recovery saves must still be made to determine if the disease causes ability reduction. Not contagious.

  • Greater rot. Symptoms are abhorrent and often leave the victim permanently debilitated: rotting flesh, pulsating buboes, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, and high fever. Victims who fail a recover roll reduce their ability scores as usual, but one point of reduction for each ability is permanent rather than temporary. There is no mundane cure, only natural recovery or magic powers can help.

  • Plague. Symptoms include fever and large buboes. Healing requires 6 successful recovery saves.

  • Weeping sores. Symptoms include painful sores appearing all over the body. On a failed recovery roll, STR and AGI are reduced by d6 instead of d4, but WIT isn’t reduced.